
Showing posts from March, 2019

without FAITH MOUNTAIN grows

Ndubuisiaku B. Ogbonna "Faith is the mountain remover-without it our mountain grows" you can not have faith and see mountain grow before you, is not permitted at all, faith educes mountain, but doubt grows mountains. put every thing together, fasting, prayer, sow your seed, pay your tithe and all Kingdom obligations, my friend without faith they cannot yield you result. the author of book of Hebrew wrote- without FAITH it impossible to please GOD Hebrew 11: 6. What is this mountain I am talking about? I know i am not writing to novice of the word of God, but  if you are, don't  worry in  this book you will grow your faith in GOD.  Mountain are challenges of life, troubles, sickness. they brought a demon posses to JESUS disciple but they could not do any thing about it.   you move mountains with ALL FAITH. It takes a fully developed faith to relocate a mountain! Paul recognized this and Jesus taught it [Matthew 17]. During this time, there came to the other nine apost

You Can Do Little With MUSTARD SEED Faith

By Elizabeth Saidimu God wants His word to work. We need to find this kind of faith that 'speaks' and things happen. MUSTARD SEED-GOD SPEAKS Some years ago, I found that Wey mouth's translation says, 'if you had faith that grows as a grain of Mustard seed'. When I read that, the spirit caused me to understand Jesus' teaching in a new way. It was a way I had never heard anyone explain faith before. Jesus was not telling us that all we need is a tiny bit of faith, as a tiny mustard seed and then we can move trees and mountains. Rather, the Lord was teaching us that faith, that grows as a grain of mustard seed can heal the sick, cast out demons and see signs following it [Mark 16:17-20]. I should read a) Paul recognized that it took ALL or TOTAL or FULL-GROWN faith to move mountains. You don't move mountains with seed faith; b) you move mountains with ALL FAITH. It takes a fully developed faith to relocate a mountain! Paul recognized this

Perfect Faith!

By Rich W Novek I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth IN me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the Faith "OF" the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me. Galatians 2:20 KJV I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives IN me. The life I live IN the body, I live by Faith "IN" the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. Galatians 2:20 NIV Look at the two versions of this same verse; one says "Faith IN the Son of God, while the other reads "Faith OF the Son of God." So which One is right? If Christ NOW lives IN me, it is because OF His Faith I NOW live. If Christ NOW lives IN me, I NOW live by the same Faith as which dwells IN the Son of God, so both versions are correct as it is only His Faith. I am crucified with Christ? Crucified means killed, so I have to conclude since I was formed before the foundation of the world IN

Faith Is Not for the Faint of Heart

By Ruth Seebeck   |   Submitted On November 07, 2014 Stay in the Word of God until you can see it so clearly on the inside that you don't need to see it on the outside. ~ Gloria Copeland God is faithful. Most of us have heard that statement, but have we ever really considered what faith requires? It is certainly not for the faint of heart. The Old Testament testifies to the faithfulness of God, His steadfast love, goodness, mercy and grace. He stood by the three Hebrew boys in the fiery furnace and was faithful to Daniel in the lion's den. His grace led the Israelites out of Egypt and through the wilderness, fed them with manna and doves, and poured water from rock. Ps. 119:90 says 'Thy faithfulness is unto all generations; Thou hast established the earth, and it abideth'. Psalm 92 says God shows us His 'loving kindness in the morning and [His] faithfulness every night'. He even dressed Adam and Eve after the disaster in the Garden. The e